Democracy First, Senator Warren’s New Plan

Statement of Lisa Gilbert, Vice President of Legislative Affairs, Public Citizen

Note: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) today released a campaign finance reform plan that would require disclosure from presidential campaign bundlers and outside finance committees, lower contribution limits and elevate small-donor financing.

A commitment to ensuring a fair and representative democracy to rebuild faith in government and create a system that works for people should be a must-have for every presidential candidate. Restoring our democracy has taken on new and historic importance as America grapples with the most fundamentally corrupt administration in our history and the resulting impeachment inquiry.

As both a senator and a candidate, Elizabeth Warren has been out in front on this issue, making it clear that fixing our democracy, calling out corruption, addressing money in politics and restoring voting rights will be top priorities if she wins the White House. In her newly released campaign finance plan, she lifts up the need for small-donor public financing, disclosure of secret political spending and a Federal Election Commission that functions to enforce our laws, among other critical reforms. We applaud these essential moves.